With minimal gaffing around, I am able to run Randal S. Olson’s route optimization program. There were a few “gotcha’s”: 1) the program is written for Python 2.7, I loaded 3.4, and syntax differences when writing to a file required the string field be enclosed in bytes( somestring,’UTF-8′) 2) Google limits the number of gmaps.distance_matrix calls for non paying subscribers to 100 000 in a 24 hour period and that limit is quite easy to exhaust; 3) the Python extension “numpy” fails to load with pip, use Christopher Gohlke’s binaries to load it from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/ I used numpy-1.9.2+unoptimized-cp34-none-win_amd64.whl but had to install python’s “wheel” extension (python easy_install wheel).
If the program does not run, cut back the number of waypoints in the list to avoid exhausting google’s access limit. If the limit is exceeded, the program will report that the distance calculation failed, but you won’t have a clue why. It’s reported in the exception handler.
It is very cool that Randal included the map html as part of the program’s output. What is none too cool: google does not include low clearance, one lane, or narrow bridges as points of interest/concern. Be sure to check that a route from A to B does not run through a bridge whose clearance is lower than your rig’s height.
Next Up, defining the points of interest in our RV trip to New England and seeing how this maps out.