RV time once again! This time we’re headed east to New England.
Massachusetts Off-Shore
In a week’s time, we’re off to a friend’s wedding. We’ll leave for New York a few days later.
We’ll stop first in Colorado Springs to visit with family Ellen has not seen in far too long. Rather than take I80, well go I70 running a bit more south. We might avoid some wind in Wyoming, more truckers on I80, and have a much more scenic drive. It will be slower going through the Rockies. I’m sure Li’l Beast will be up to the challenge. We’ll use our trusty AllStays iPhone App to guide us to campgrounds along the way.
We’ll drive to Colorado Springs from Truckee stopping in Ely, Nevada; Green River, Utah; and Frisco, Colorado on the way. Both Ely and Green River have a few good campsites nearby: Cave Lakes State Park and Ely KOA in Ely and Goblin Valley State park and Green River State Park near Green River. Frisco has one campground nearby, Heaton Bay, White River National Forest. We may stay in Frisco or push on that day.
I expect we’ll dally a few days in Colorado Springs before continuing on to New York. My plan is to stop in Ogallala, Nebraska; Lincoln Nebraska; Davenport, Illinois; Fremont, Indiana; Dunkirk, New York; and on to Rhinebeck, New York. I have campsites penciled in for each stop. Realistically, I doubt we will execute the plan. We’ll be making unexpected stops for fresh fruit, a scenic view, or just to relax along the way. Unlike our other RV trips, this one is open-ended. We do not have to be home in September or October or even in November. We are free to follow our whims. At this time of year, we should have no problem finding campgrounds without making reservations ahead.
Franconia Notch Ariel Tramway
As I might have mentioned in an earlier post, I have lists of “all” the covered bridges in New England and hope to visit a number of them. Also on my list is Brown’s Seafood in Hampton New Hampshire. Our family would stop here on our way to and from Rye Beach. I remember diving into a huge bucket of fried lobster with glee or walking the beach munching fried or steamed clams. With the memory of wonderfully prepared fresh crab and clam in Coupeville, Brown’s may be a tough go.
Covered Bridge, The Flume, New Hamshire
I do not have much pre-planned for this trip once we reach New York. I expect we will visit Conway New Hampshire and the Presidential Rang, Franconia Notch in the White Mountain and Lake Winnipesaukee both in New Hampshire, and should we get that far north, there’s Moose Lake Maine. We may extend our tentacles into Quebec. Massachusetts holds so many memories for me. Bicycling the towns of Concord, Lexington, and Arlington. I took frequent trips to Cambridge Boston. The family often visited Nahant Beach, Salem, Gloucester; sometimes the Cape, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. Negotiating rotaries with an RV in Boston traffic will be: a) exciting, b) nerve wracking, c) lunacy, you choose.
Mt. Washington, New Hampshire
Vineyard Haven, Martha’s Vineyard
The Flume, New Hampshire
If you do tomorrow what you did today, you will get tomorrow what you got today.