Congress and Government Shutdown….

Cruz is grandstanding to get recognition. He’ll do very well with funding and his career after he loses the GOP primary in 2014. He’s not about the truth; he’s about self promotion with lots of media attention.

Remember the Minute Men of the 50’s, or the John Birch Society? The Tea Party are the same guys in different clothes. Could as well be the KKK (well almost). I’ve heard denial that hate or racism is at the core of this stand-off. Probably for our congressmen and senators this is not true, but for their constituents it is most definitely true for many. Ever notice how much of the tea party is from the south? Consider how the confederate flag is still an issue in the south. Today we have an African American president, who does not have a birth certificate and is clearly a Muslim (GOP polls show this is a common belief among them)

So we argue about rational decision making: shut down the government or not. These are not rational people. They are running on emotion, self delusion, self importance, perhaps even hate. Let’s hope rational minds prevail. To default on our debt will cost us real dollars and not just the government. Each of us individually will be paying for our congress’ mistake in real dollars.

The John Birch Society was considered the loony right wing in the 50’s. Now they’re main stream? Not for me.

And watch what Obama Care actually does to reduce medical costs and thus the deficit. Most who don’t want Obama Care, do not really understand it.

rant: over and out.

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