Retirement Phase 2 update 8/4/2013

We have purchased what may become our retirement home on Richardson Bay. We will rent this home for a few years. I have rented properties in the past and have no reservation renting properties. One lucky family will have access to a very nicely constructed home in a quiet neighborhood until we retire.

On a different note: my mom passed away about a week ago at the age of 90. She lived a full life and was mentally sharp to the end. I won’t go into details; she did not suffer, though I’m certain she did not want to “go”. I will miss her, and I find myself contemplating my own mortality.

As one grows older, time becomes more precious as there is less sand left in the hourglass. The ancient Greeks believed one’s life is determined by the three fates: one weaves the fabric of your life, a second measures the fabric, and the third cuts to length. I hope my “fabric” is still being woven. More significantly, I expect to accelerate our retirement. I would much rather travel in good health now, than look back in a decade or two contemplating what I wish we had done.

And so we have completed phase 1 and 2 of our retirement goals.

My wife has long wanted an all electric automobile. There are may advantages to electric. For me, the primary advantage is NO LONGER SUPPORTING MIDDLE EAST OIL PRODUCING NATIONS. Electricity production will improve in the coming decades and will (must?) become environmentally friendly. By running an electric car I will be supporting and taking advantage of those improvements.

Retirement Phase 3: we will purchase an all electric car; a Tesla S and for my wife.

Soon our purchases will end and our “travails” will begin.

Retirement Phase 4? That’s easy: retire. That chapter is yet to be woven.

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